
written in C++ source documentation

cppDbg defines some useful debugging macros, which e.g. contain the current time and date or the current line.
The below statements will be printed via std::cout iff CPPDBG is defined before including cppDbg.h.

bool b   = true;
char c   = 'c';
int i    = 5;
float f  = 13.3;
double d = 17.3;


//print value of variables
DBG(b); // b = 1
DBG(c); // c = 'c'
DBG(i); // i = 5
DBG(f); // f = 13.3
DBG(d); // d = 17.3

//add more information
//suffix F for (F)ilename
DBGF(b); // b = 1  (File: example.cpp)

//suffix L for (L)ine number
DBGL(b); // b = 1  (Line: x)

//suffix LF for (L)ine number and (F)ilename
DBGLF(b); // b = 1  (Line x in example.cpp)

//adding a T as first suffix will also print the time
DBGT(b);   //  (13:37:00) b = 1
DBGTF(b);  //  (13:37:00) b = 1  (File: example.cpp)
DBGTL(b);  //  (13:37:00) b = 1  (Line: x)
DBGTLF(b); //  (13:37:00) b = 1  (Line x in example.cpp)

//adding a DT as first suffix will print date and time
DBGDT(b);   //  (May  8 2015 --  13:37:00) b = 1
DBGDTF(b);  //  (May  8 2015 --  13:37:00) b = 1  (File: example.cpp)
DBGDTL(b);  //  (May  8 2015 --  13:37:00) b = 1  (Line: x)
DBGDTLF(b); //  (May  8 2015 --  13:37:00) b = 1  (Line x in example.cpp)