I added very basic animations for Belt
s, Arm
s and LongArm
I split the arms into a base and top image where the top and Item
are being rotated depending on the Arm
‘s cooldown.
fn arm_node(x: &Arm) -> Node {
let mut rotation = PI * x.cooldown() as f64 / Arm::cooldown_max() as f64;
if x.content().is_some() {
rotation = PI - rotation;
rotation += PI;
For Belt
s I created a few frames with moving direction arrows which I choose depending on cooldown and I also animated the Item
s to move depending on the cooldown.
fn belt_node(x: &Belt) -> Node {
let cooldown_rel = x.cooldown() as f64 / Belt::cooldown_max() as f64;
let texture = if cooldown_rel < 0.25 {
} else if cooldown_rel < 0.5 {
} else if cooldown_rel < 0.75 {
} else {
let input_offset = -0.4 + 0.8 * (1.0 - x.cooldown() as f64 / Belt::cooldown_max() as f64);