Minor Improvements

November 10, 2021

I haven’t worked on major features for the last few days, but there’s been many, minor improvements.

More recipes

For many Items there weren’t any recipes defined. I added some more:

+2 wire      by 1 copperp          in 500
+1 gear      by 2 ironp            in 1000
+1 chip      by 1 ironp and 1 wire in 5000
+1 arm       by 2 chip  and 2 gear in 5000
+1 research  by 1 ironp in 100
+1 belt      by 1 wire and 1 gear in 3000
+1 crossing  by 4 belt in 5000
+1 longarm   by 2 arm in 3000
+1 furnace   by 10 ironp in 1000
+1 assembler by 10 gear in 2000
+1 splitter  by 4 belt in 3000
+1 swapper   by 4 belt in 3000
+1 miner     by 10 ironp in 2000
+1 influence by 10 miner in 5000
+1 lab       by 30 chip in 10000

Module Item rendering

The input/output Items of Modules are now rendered.

Reduced render Node nesting

I invested some time to reduce the nesting within render Nodes. This reduces allocations when creating the render tree and should speed up traversal / improve cache locality.

In addition to that I further simplified ItemHandler and the simulation code.